Spring Forward!

While I am not a fan of changing the clocks, I have to say the extra hour of daylight in the evenings makes a difference in my overall productivity and energy level. As the spring season arrives, I’m experiencing it from the southern part of the country where the amount of daylight is the big difference, not so much the temperature. In fact, it’s been a balmy 85 degrees and sunny for the better part of March, not something this New England girl is used to!

When we hit the road, I wondered if my creative writing rhythm would be impacted by living in other parts of the country. The jury is still out since we haven’t been traveling for long enough, but I’m interested in the results. Over the years, I’ve learned when I’m most productive - from recognizing my best daily writing hours to knowing the season of the year when I create the most content. It took me a while to understand these rhythms and even longer to learn to work with them. Fall is my best writing season, followed closely by spring, so I am planning my schedule accordingly. I’ll let you know how it goes!

In the springtime we celebrate a few birthdays in our family. This month, our baby girl Kyra turned 19 and our oldest son Nicholas will turn 30! I’m not sure how I can possibly be old enough to have a 30 year old child, but I like to remember the sentiment that age is a privilege denied to many, so I choose gratitude for every birthday - theirs and my own.

There are a couple of things happening this spring on the professional front. If you follow this blog and you are a writer, you might be interested in Authors Buzz, a new author resource website created by me and two other talented ladies. We provide tons of articles and tips on writing craft and the business of publishing, and we host a fun little podcast on YouTube where we discuss all things writing related. Our first few conversations are available so check them out!

I’m also very excited to teach a Zoom webinar for the ARIA Writing Academy titled ‘Pathways to Publishing’ on Wednesday, April 5th at 7 pm. If there are any aspiring authors out there looking to learn more about the modern publishing industry and ways to bring your story to readers, check out the class. Here’s a link to the course description and registration: ARIA Writing Academy.

Finally, an update on our travels. Today we leave Sarasota, Florida to spend a few more days in Disney World before heading west. Next up Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado! For our full itinerary, check out my tabithalordauthor.com website and blog.

Here’s a glimpse of the birthday kids and our life on the move from the last few weeks…


The Real Adventure Begins!


Chasing the Sunshine