Writing While Mom

Dear Maggie,

Do you have kids? If yes, how do you find time for writing?


Mama in Mansfield

Dear Mama,

Yes, I have four kids! They are now all legal adults save my youngest, so my life as a mama looks very different now than it did a decade ago. Beneath your question, I think I may hear a hint of frustration? Perhaps you’d like to write something, but can’t seem to find the time or energy to do it? Don’t be discouraged. When my children were younger, I worked part-time and/or full-time throughout most of their childhood. It was a full, messy, satisfying life, but I’ll admit it left very little space in my brain for creativity.

I know other moms who managed to write, or paint, or dance, while their kids are young. That wasn’t me. I had a fulfilling career, but even if I could have cut back on hours or responsibilities, I don’t think I’d have been able to string a cohesive paragraph together back then, never mind find the creative wherewithal to complete a novel. My mom brain was practical, organized, and productive, but definitely not creative.

It wasn’t until my last baby turned five that I felt my creativity stirring, if you will. When my life became less labor intensive, my brain felt like it could stretch a little. Scenes ran through my mind like mini-movie clips. Characters took shape. Plot lines and themes swirled. Finally, when the words practically demanded to be written, I made the space for them. This required reprioritizing my time and energy, but it wasn’t a struggle the way it would have been years before. For me, the ability to create requires more than actual time carved out of my schedule. It requires a mental freshness I couldn’t access for years.

Again, this may not be you. If you have stories in you brain kicking and clawing to get out, and simply need a little help figuring out how to make the time, here’s an excellent article by a writer friend. She’s doing her thing with five young kids! Overcoming the Writing Challenges of Motherhood.

But, if the idea of creating something beyond a peanut butter sandwich currently feels too daunting, don’t despair! Let me offer a piece of advice I received as a young mom, and I’ll paraphrase… You can do most of the things your heart desires, but you don’t have to do them all at once. Happy Mother’s Day!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to maggie@msmaggieclare.com, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

Dear Maggie, (3).png


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