On Quitting the Day Job

Dear Maggie,

I think I’d like to become a writer. Is this your full-time job?

Need a Change in Chattanooga

Dear Chattanooga,

Yes, writing is my full-time job! But, let me qualify that by saying I don’t make enough money as a writer to support myself, not yet anyway. Writing is a second career for me, one I didn’t jump into full-time until I had some traction first. Even so, without a supportive spouse, I couldn’t do it. Once at a conference, someone asked me how it felt to make a living as a writer, to which I responded, “I’ll let you know when I do.” My husband thought this was hilarious.

Seriously though, here are a few things to think about as you consider embarking on a writing career. First, what is your goal? Do you simply have stories in your head that are clamoring to get out? If so, you can make time to write and enjoy the creative process while still tending to your current career. I know this may sound impossible, but it’s not. I wrote my first book while working a full-time job, when all four of my kids still lived at home. It required discipline and organization, but when writing was my beloved hobby, I protected my creative time fiercely. Here’s an article I wrote on ways to squeeze in writing around an already busy schedule: Help! I Don’t Have Time to Write.

If, however, you’d like to replace your income by writing, don’t quit your day job until you’ve made some headway. Are you willing to do free-lance work, blog, ghost write? You may eventually be able to piece together a living from your writing, but it will take a while to get established. If you’re hoping to make a living off your fiction writing alone, this too will take time. You may have a novel hit the lists and become a best-seller, but more than likely, it will be an accumulation of solid titles that will provide you with ongoing royalties. Rome (and your backlist) wasn’t built in a day! In my experience, there’s really no such thing as overnight success.

By no means do I wish to discourage you. I love writing, and at this point in my life, I can’t imagine doing anything else. But, the reality is, publishing is a tough industry. It takes time and dedication to break into it, and more time and dedication to stay relevant. Professional writers must navigate between art and industry. Here’s another article I wrote on that particular challenge: The Modern Writer’s Life - An Intersection of Art and Industry.

The writer’s life is journey for sure, with ups and downs like any other career, but if the writing bug has bitten you, do it. Write something. You can worry about the rest later. Best of luck!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to maggie@msmaggieclare.com, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

In other news…

On Thursday, May 28th, the TSI series 3 BOOK BUNDLE will be discounted to $3.99! If you haven’t met the hot hunks from Tactical Solutions International, and the brave ladies who love them, take advantage of this limited time offer! All books are FREE if you are a Kindle Unlimited member.

Dear Maggie, (3).png


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