Writing Rhythm

Dear Maggie,

What is your most productive time to write?

Interested in Independence

Dear Interested,

I’ve been a full-time writer now for about six years, and in that time I’ve learned a lot about my personal rhythm. I try to honor this rhythm because fighting it proves frustrating. For example, I always think I’m going to write more in the summertime. I love summer. I love the slower pace, the heat, regular time outside. I love barbecues and beaches, sunshine and salt water, boats and bikinis…

Okay enough of that. You get the idea. So, early on when I switched careers, it seemed like a good idea to set lofty goals during my favorite time of year. It never worked, though. During the summer, my house is full, the kids are home, plans are made, and before I know it, it’s the end of the week, then the month, then the summer season. I know better now. Fall is my most productive writing season, and I plan my calendar accordingly.

For me, there’s even more to this personal rhythm idea. I find that there’s a rhythm to my days too. For example, I prefer to answer emails and deal with busy tasks in the morning, leaving a stretch of the afternoon for drafting or editing. I need uninterrupted hours for creative work, and I need to feel like my busy work is attended to in order to focus.

It helps me to sit down on Sunday afternoons and look at my week ahead. I pencil in deadlines and appointments, and from there I determine how much time I need to finish my work. I’ve also learned to plan a slower day on Friday, but to build creative writing time into my weekend. The more proactive I am with my planning, the more I feel in control of my time. Establishing a rhythm that honors my energy level and time constraints keeps me working at my maximum potential when I have the most to give.

That was a lot of information in response to a simple question. Guess I had something to say on the topic!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to maggie@msmaggieclare.com, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

In other news…

The ‘other’ me writes science fiction, and I’ll be at Tampa Bay Comic Con from July 30 - August 1. If you’re in the area, come say hi! I’ll be signing books and moderating panels all weekend. Here’s a link to my sci-fi series in case you’re interested: HORIZON by Tabitha Lord.


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