It’s Raining Cats and Dogs!

Dear Maggie,

Do you have any pets?


Animal Lover in Anaheim

Dear Animal Lover,

Yes! As my children are getting older and moving out, I am slowly replacing them with pets! We currently have four kitties. One is next to me licking jam off my toast as we speak. I love my fur babies to distraction, and I am fully embracing my role as ‘crazy cat lady.’

Last week, I celebrated a big birthday, and my husband graciously gifted me a puppy. We pick her up tonight! We haven’t had a puppy in the house since our oldest son was five, and he’s twenty-eight now. Several years ago, we adopted a beautiful black lab mix, but she came to us fully grown and fully trained. We were blessed to have her for six good years before bone cancer took her. Until recently, I wasn’t ready for another dog, but it’s been long enough now that my heart is open to another pooch. This new baby will be a completely different experience as she is a teeny, tiny malti-poo puppy!

Certainly, it would be easier if, when we wanted to travel, we could simply lock up the house and go. Certainly, these fuzzy critters require time, attention, and a bit of extra cleaning. But, my husband and I have both decided that our lives are richer when pets are a part of it. Now, since I’m still unpacking from my birthday weekend away, and I’m immersed in laundry from a month full of house guests, I’m going to end the post now and fill up the rest with pet pictures!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

In other news…

The TSI series 3 BOOK BUNDLE is still discounted to $3.99. At some point, I’ll reset the price, but today is not that day! If you haven’t met the hot hunks from Tactical Solutions International, and the brave ladies who love them, take advantage of this limited time offer! All books are FREE if you are a Kindle Unlimited member.

The ‘other’ me writes science fiction, and I’ll be at Tampa Bay Comic Con from July 30 - August 1. If you’re in the area, come say hi! I’ll be signing books and moderating panels all weekend. Here’s a link to my sci-fi series in case you’re interested: HORIZON by Tabitha Lord.


Writing Rhythm


Off With Their Heads!