Wedding Bells!

As I write this, I am sitting alone in the Airbnb we rented for our son’s wedding. Because we were all coming and going from different places at different times, I’m the last one to fly out later today. The house is quiet, and I am spending my last few hours prepping for my work week, tossing in one last load of laundry, and packing. Just a few hours ago, all our kids were gathered here. We ate, drank, laughed, cried, and celebrated. Now it’s a beautiful memory.

Because our son is in the Navy, it made sense for them to marry sooner than later, so the wedding was at the courthouse, with only parents and siblings attending. They’ll be planning a larger celebration for next year, but nonetheless, this was a moving and meaningful day as they declared their love for one another and took their vows.

When the kids started dating years ago, I wondered who would become a permanent part of our family. Who would they begin their own family with? Our oldest has made his choice, and he has chosen perfectly in his beautiful bride. They understand each other on a soul level, they bring balance to each other, they laugh with each other, and they value the same things. They are blessed to have each other as they walk this journey of life. Congratulations Nicholas and Leslie!

“To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow–this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” - Elizabeth Gilbert


Sneak Peek!


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