Books, Books, Books

Dear Maggie,

I have book questions! Are you an avid reader? What’s the last book that gave you a total book hangover? Can you read multiple books at once?


Reader in Raleigh

Dear Reader,

Yes, I am an avid reader! I suspect most writers are. We’re storytellers so we appreciate good storytelling! I can read multiple books at once as long as they are different genres. Here’s what my reading habits are like …

I’m generally reading an ARC (advanced reader copy) to review for Book Club Babble, a website I own with some gals I met years ago at a writer’s conference. It’s a great way to help promote other authors, get our hands on the newest bestsellers, and read widely. I have a lot of fun interviewing other authors and reading some really good stuff I might not grab off the shelves otherwise.

At night, on my Kindle, I read the steamy stuff. I write in this genre, so I definitely read it with two purposes. First, I enjoy it of course. Second, I’m reading with an eye for what a particular writer does well. Does she create page turning angst, develop characters I fall in love with, write the sexy times with flair and heat? I’m always thinking about how I can improve my own craft and tell a better story for my readers. Reading critically helps me learn. And, as an added bonus, my guy sure doesn’t mind when I want to read aloud a particular scene to him at bedtime!

Last, there’s the stuff I just plain want to read - my personal choices and favorites. I download these on audio and listen to them when driving to yoga, traveling, or running errands. I really enjoy the production value of a good audiobook. The last few titles from my Audible account include Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, Circe by Madeline Miller, and The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune. I am currently listening to Crescent City - House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas, and loving it. These last few titles all gave me total book hangovers!

Regarding the book hangover phenomenon… For me, it’s the sign of a really good story. I am terribly sad the book is over, but totally satisfied by the ending. I miss the characters and think about them later, and often look for a sequel or other books by that author because I had such a good reading experience. I just finished listening to the latest Outlander book - Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, and wow. Just wow. It was almost fifty hours of audio. Every scene pulled me in. I was invested in every character and every story arc. I had no idea how the author would pull it all together, or even keep track of the related storylines, but by the end, I was thoroughly satisfied. Diana Gabaldon is a phenomenal storyteller and an incredible writer.

Book hangovers are real! Thanks for the fun question!


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