Some Like It Hot!

Dear Maggie,

How do you decide when to include sexy scenes in your romance novels?


Sizzling in Santa Fe

Dear Sizzling,

Romance is different from erotica. With erotica, readers expect sex, and a lot of it. With romance, they expect a relationship. In a romance novel, the emotional intensity of intimate scenes should be a focus. You can absolutely write explicit sex scenes if you’re so inclined, but it’s not necessary. The bedroom door can remain slightly ajar or wide open.

Whatever I’m writing, my goal is first and foremost to tell a good story. For the romance books, I also think a lot about my readers expectations. People who read erotica are looking for the hot stuff. People who read romance want more, depending on the sub-genre. I chose to write a romantic suspense series because I enjoy throwing in a good bit of danger and adventure as a backdrop for the romance. I know readers of romantic suspense will expect the plot action to be well-crafted and the suspense and danger to keep them turning the pages.

While sexy for the sake of sexy is awesome, if the story is not erotica, I want the sexy to do a bit more. When I include a steamy scene, I think about it like an action sequence, in that it should have a purpose beyond simply the sexy factor. So, my sexy scenes will often help move the plot forward, impact the relationship between the characters involved, or maybe reveal something about our hero or heroine.

Intimacy is revealing. Does our confident hero suddenly show a shy side when he’s finally with the woman of his dreams? Will a past trauma rear its ugly head? How our characters behave with the lights off often shows a vulnerable side they may not express elsewhere. I love that about sexy scenes. I also love using the sexy scene as a payoff, for both the characters involved and the readers. Maybe the two lovebirds have been circling each other for years and finally have their moment? Or maybe they’ve been separated by misunderstanding, or a deployment, or by a crazed serial killer? This intimate connection or reconnection can be a powerfully emotional moment.

I include steamy scenes in my books when I think they will enhance the storyline or character development, and of course so they will entertain my readers. Whenever it’s time to include one, I know it’s going to be a fun writing day!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.


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