Fun in the Sun

Dear Maggie,

Are you productive in the summertime?

Hot in Honolulu

Dear Hot,

Yes… and no. For me, summer is a busy travel and book signing season. Instead of inward leaning, my work life tends to expand outward for a while. But it’s also the season when I try to recharge my batteries. I appreciate the longer days and the sunshine. I want to feel the slower pace that comes along with the heat. But what does that mean for my productivity and writing? Well, I think about my creative life in terms of seasons. Over the years, I’ve learned to work with my personal rhythms, on a daily, weekly, and seasonal schedule. When I honor that rhythm, my productivity over time is really good.

The crisp days of fall energize me, and the quiet house makes for a conducive writing environment. I tend to pack my writing schedule during this time of year to take advantage of those things. Summer, however, feels different. I want to enjoy the backyard barbeques and yes, maybe, a few more cocktails. I also enjoy meeting my readers at book events, traveling with other authors, and attending conferences, which tend to occur mostly in the summertime.

Over time, I’ve learned that it’s important to create realistic goals for the summer, which requires me to be honest with myself. Am I really able to complete the entire first draft of a manuscript while the kids are home on vacation, or while my in-laws have come for a visit, or when I’m traveling for half the time? Having said that, I still often have deadlines to meet and content that I need to create, so I adapt my schedule accordingly. I might wake up earlier and write on the porch while the birds chirp, or I might sit by the pool and create some content in between dips. I’m still working, but I’m taking advantage of the season!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.


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