New Year, New Intentions

Dear Maggie,

Do you have any personal, fitness, or professional New Year’s resolutions?


Gym Rat in Jersey

Dear Gym Rat,

Generally speaking, I like to create big picture intentions for the New Year rather than very specific goals. This year is different however as we’ve just made some major changes to our life. First off, as you may already know, we sold our home and moved full-time into an RV. Since we don’t know where we want to settle next, and with kids scattered all over the west coast, we thought we’d explore the country for as long as we like. Because we both work remotely, this crazy plan came together remarkably well. I’m writing this post from Naples, FL, and you can track my future travel plans below.

Regarding resolutions and goals, this very big change in living accomodations and lifestyle has afforded me the opportunity to create some new, very intentional habits. As is all the rage, my husband and I are attempting ‘dry’ January. I’m hoping to improve my sleep quality, shed these few extra pounds, and feel a little more clear-headed overall. I love a good red blend too much to give up wine forever, but drinking on the regular has become to much of an easy habit. Related, every year it gets more and more difficult to stay fit, so this year, I’m also keeping yoga and the gym a real focus. The first thing I do when we pull into a new place is find a yoga studio and the gym we belong to and make a plan for the week. We’re also taking the dog out for a nice long walk after dinner every night, and I’m having a cup of tea before bed rather than wine or a snack.

As far as writing goals, I have a big year planned. I’d like to finish the final three books in the TSI romantic suspense series, and complete a rather lengthy fantasy novel I’m writing under my given name, Tabitha Lord. Other professional goals include publishing Betrayal, the episodic story I wrote on Kindle Vella, to KDP and giving it a little promotional love. Both my websites and blogs need updating, so look for a refresh mainly on Tabitha Lord, but also this blog. Finally, it’s time to overhaul my general marketing and promotional strategies. Whew! It sounds like a lot, even with an entire year in front of me to accomplish it all, but that brings me to my final intention for the year which is to take real time off every week.

There is so much to see and do in places I’ve never been to before, and I don’t want to miss this opportunity. We have a list of national parks, baseball fields, music festivals, landmarks and more. Of course this requires time away from work. Anyone who works remotely understands it’s a double-edged sword. On the one hand, we have a ton of flexibility. I can throw a load of laundry in while taking a break between projects. My husband can take a business call while cooking dinner. I used to hike with my girlfriends on Thursday mornings and make the time up over the weekend. On the other hand, I never feel like I am able to completely step away, but to do the things I want to do while on the road, I’ll have to. The thing is, I know shutting down and clearing my head actually makes me more productive, so I’m on it!

I’d love to hear about your New Year’s goals, resolutions, or intentions, so please feel free to share! Wishing you a peaceful, productive, and joyful 2023.

“One today is worth two tomorrows.” – Benjamin Franklin

Our travel itinerary, subject to change…

January 5-15: Naples, FL

January 15-28: Clermont, FL

January 28-Feb 3: Disney World

Feb 3 - March 31: Sarasota, FL

April 1-5: Panacea, FL

April 5-12: Lillian, AL

April 12-19: New Orleans, LA

April 19-26: Austin, TX

April 26 - May 2: Corpus Christi, TX

May 2-8: Lakehills, TX

May 8-15: Carlsbad, NM

May 15-22: Albuquerque, NM


Maggie on the Move


The Emotional Scenes Get Me Every Time!