Minding My Mental Health

Dear Maggie,

Do you struggle with the winter blues? If yes, how do you manage to get anything accomplished?


Sad in Sacramento

Dear Sad,

Yes, I totally struggle with the winter blues, or if you want to get clinical, seasonal affective disorder. Here in the northeastern United States, the sun sets just after 4pm. The days are short, the sky is dark, and it’s cold. Winter is definitely coming, and I’ll be honest, it’s my least favorite season. I work from home, often spending hours alone. During the winter months, I can easily convince myself pajamas are fine for all-day wear, and it’s a slippery slope from cozy hibernation to something a little darker.

With the holiday season underway and our move imminent, my to-do list is about to become unmanageable. I can’t afford to slack off with my work, I don’t want to miss all the wonderful things about the season, and we still have to be packed and out of the house by the end of December. In order to stay healthy and productive, I have to take charge of my mental health in a very active way. This year, it feels especially important.

When I feel the walls of winter closing in on top of the overwhelm of the holidays, and this year the big move, I make a list (because lists are a thing for me) of go-to reminders that help me mind my mental health. Maybe these tips will help you too?

Recognize and honor your natural rhythm. There are times when we need to power through, like during a good workout when we know we can go for a few more reps or dig for that last burst of speed. Sometimes, though, we deserve a kinder approach, or a softer motivation. Sometimes, self-care needs to be our priority. If we recognize our own rhythms and work with them, we may find equilibrium more quickly, and the dark days may not seem quite as long.

Simplify. Not everything is urgent. Some things really can wait. Edit the to-do list. The non-essentials will be there when the hectic holiday season is over, or you’re simply feeling better.

Do a manageable amount every day. I’ve mentioned previously on this blog that I may have an OCD-level organizational system. But, when I take the time to use my calendar and plan ahead, I feel in control of my time. I’m proactive instead of reactive. This time of year, it’s especially important. It’s also important that I’m realistic. I simplify first, and then try to tackle a little something every day.

Remember you aren’t alone. When I’m feeling the drag of the darkness, I don’t particularly feel social, but it’s more important than ever to nurture my friendships. Make an effort to meet up with folks for a cup of coffee or glass of wine. It’ll help get you out of your own head.

Ask for help. This is probably a hard one for most of us, but other people can contribute. In the past, I’ve hosted most holidays, but the guests brought nearly all the food. My husband and I made our shopping list together and then divided it up. The kids all pitched in to catch up on laundry, get the guest rooms ready, etc. This year our house is in disarray and there’s just too much to do to think about hosting, so we’re travelling for Thanksgiving and my parents are hosting Christmas. It’s a little sad for me not to spend our final holiday in our family home, but at the same time, I feel a huge sense of relief.

Get outside. As the saying goes, there’s no bad weather, only bad clothing. A brisk walk can be just the thing to lift our spirits or give us a refreshing burst of energy. A few moments in nature to clear our head can hit the reset button.

Whether the winter weather has you down, or the busy holiday season stresses you out, or you’re moving out of your home after nearly twenty years, it’s important to do what you have to do in order to stay healthy!


A Great Big Thank You!


Happy Halloween!