Making Magic

My first writing projects were science fiction, and I enjoy so many things about writing in that genre. I love imagining futuristic technology, I love tackling real world issues in otherworldly settings, I love thinking through big, action-filled plots, and I love how this space allows my imagination to run wild.

Recently, I’ve wanted to dive into the fantasy side of things. Dragons, magic, and monsters have been on my mind as I write my newest novel, and it’s a ton of fun. Science fiction and fantasy have a lot in common, so making the transition felt natural. I write and speak a good bit about world-building, and almost all the good advice out there works for both genres. As I settle myself into this similar yet different space, I’ve been thinking a lot about the important elements of each.

Here’s an excerpt from an article I wrote titled ‘World Building Basics - Making Magic and Wielding Technology.’ I moderated a panel on a similar topic a few weeks ago at Denver Fan Expo, and it was refreshing and inspiring to talk through these ideas while I’m building a completely new fantasy world.

If you’re a writer, maybe this info will be helpful. If you’re a reader, you’ll get a glimpse of what we writers think about while crafting weird and wonderful worlds!

As speculative fiction writers, it’s our job to introduce some kind of magic or advanced technology into our tale. We should be intimately familiar with the special telepathic skills we’ve given a character, the powers of an ancient sword, the capabilities of a trans-galactic spaceship. We’ll want to think these things through so we can consistently apply the magic or tech in our story. As you develop these otherworldly powers or devices, ask yourself the following:

  • Who can wield this magic or technology? Only the Targaryens can ride dragons!

  • What it can do? The Death Star has the ability to blow up entire planets.

  • What are the limits or the cost of using it?  Frodo nearly loses his mind carrying the ring to Mordor.

As you build these magical or advanced tech elements into your world, and have your characters interact with them, here are some additional things to consider:

Your magic and technology should serve the story, not be the story.

The Force is a fundamental element in Star Wars, but the story itself is about a hero’s journey. Arthur is the only one to wield Excalibur, but this is the story of the rise and fall of a king.

What impact does your magic or tech have on people and society?

Once you’ve introduced these elements into your world, it is now quite different from our world. You’ll need to think through the effects it will have on the people and the culture. Heading off to Hogwarts is a rite of passage in the wizarding world!

Death must be real, or only reversed with dire cost.

No amount of magic or fancy technology should easily combat death, because if death has no meaning, the stakes for your characters aren’t high enough. Or you can turn this on its head ‘Altered Carbon’ style, and consider a world where immortality can be bought.

Avoid deus ex machina.

It’s tempting to use magic or futuristic technology to get your characters out of a bind, but it’s important to think of these things as tools wielded by the characters, with limits and rules, not as contrived solutions out of a difficult situation. If the magic or technology in your story is so all powerful that it can easily rescue your characters, the story becomes more about the cool things and less about the characters. The stakes might not seem high enough and any potential victory for your characters will seem hollow.

Thinking up cool weapons, bending the space-time continuum, or imbuing our characters with supernatural powers is part of what makes writing in this genre so much fun. But we have to pay attention to how we use these elements in our story. Readers will catch us if we don’t!


Here’s a glimpse of our adventures over the last few weeks, mostly from Yellowstone National Park where our boys, daughter-in-law, and my dad joined us for the fun…


Who’s Next?


Setting the Scene