Coming Soon…

Dear Maggie,

It’s been a while since you’ve published a new TSI book. Can you give us a sneak peek at the upcoming tale?


Impatient in Islip

Dear Impatient,

It’s taken me much longer than I’d hoped to get the next book out, and I am so sorry! My attention has been focused on an urban fantasy that real me (aka Tabitha) is still editing. I’m working with my agent on it, and it will be ready when she says it’s ready, despite my eagerness to return to the TSI world. But, good news, the next romantic suspense story is nearly drafted, and yes, you all deserve a sneak peek.

This one, tentatively titled Moving Target features Teagan Tate, the drummer from the band in Sing for Me, and Maria Ruiz, one of the TSI bodyguards featured in Lost and Found. Teagan finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and is gravely injured. Maria and her team are tasked with protecting him after the fact, and figuring out what really happened on that fateful day. Feelings between the two, already brewing from spending time together on tour, erupt further when they have to hide out from the bad guys.

Writing the reverse bodyguard trope has been fun. While all my female leads have been badass in their own way, Maria is a woman in a male-dominated world with a job to do, one she’s really good at. And while Teag isn’t a gun toting, ass-kicking former SEAL, he’s a special kind of hot in that rock star sort of way. I promise this story has lively characters, a nail-biting plot, and plenty of steam!

Thanks for your patience, and in the meantime, check out the rest of the TSI series HERE for only $3.99 or FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Happy Valentine’s Day my sexy friends!

In other news…

I am available for book club events, virtually or in person, so please reach out!


Deadlines and Determination


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