Deadlines and Determination

Dear Maggie,

You can’t possibly feel creative all the time, so how do you stay motivated to write?

Uninspired in Union City

Dear Uninspired,

I definitely do not feel creative all the time, and I definitely have days where I am not at all motivated. But writing is my career as well as my art, and if I want it to stay that way, I have to create content even when I personally feel uninspired. That’s not a very sexy answer, but it’s true.

There are some concrete things that keep me tapping away at the keyboard, even if I’d rather be curled up on the sofa reading someone else’s book. The first is a deadline. I work better under pressure and with a very clear timeline. My ingrained sense of responsibility, and my desire to not disappoint an agent, editor, or my readers, keeps me on task.

While the deadline is the infrastructure I like to have in place, I still have to do the work to meet it. As with anything in life, plain old determination comes into play. I find determination goes hand in hand with another ‘d’ word, discipline. I have to create and nurture healthy work habits, and I have to be disciplined enough to carry out the goals I set for myself.

Every time I start a new project, I’m filled with both excitement and dread. My creative energy and enthusiasm for this shiny new story is ever present for the first few weeks, but I’m also intimidated by the daunting task ahead. Despite the fact that I am currently drafting my ninth full-length work, part of me doesn’t know how I will get from beginning to end. So, I try not to think about that, and instead, I take things one step at a time, or in this case, one word at a time!

By the time I get to the middle, I’ll inevitably feel stuck. I’ll drag my feel, whine about everything, and procrastinate. This is when I have to double down on my work habits, stick to a daily word count, slog through the mud, and remind myself constantly that I will finish this story. I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again. Lot’s of self-talk at this stage of the game.

Since I’ve been doing this writing thing a while now, I understand quite a bit about my own process and natural rhythms, and I take advantage of this intel to plan accordingly. I know the joys and pitfalls at different stages of a writing project, and I also know when I have to push myself and when I can give myself a break. For example, I know better than to be too ambitious in February, but I’ll make up for that in March. As the days grow longer, I’m inspired to work longer days,

So, the secret to staying motivated isn’t actually creative inspiration. For me, it’s work ethic, determination, and deadlines!


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