An Extrovert in an Introvert’s World

Dear Maggie,

I hear writers are mainly introverts. Would you describe yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?


Chatty in Chattanooga

Dear Chatty,

I’m a total extrovert. Here’s how I know… I love airport bars, and I’ll talk to anyone who sits next to me. I love teaching in a full classroom and leading a meeting. I love to meet fans and readers at book signings. I’m definitely a people person. I think it’s why I prefer a yoga class rather than working out at the gym with my earbuds in, and why events like Comic Cons are totally my jam. Of course, I still value my quiet time a lot. I need it to recharge, and I need it in order for my creative side to flow. But I am one of those people who is energized by other people.

We often hear that the writer's life is a solitary one, and there is truth to this. I love my work. I love the moment when the plot action comes together, when I craft just that right bit of dialogue, or when I nail the ending of a scene. It’s satisfying, but when I’m smack in the middle of a long-term project, and I have to spend hours alone in my own mind, I have to find ways to nurture my inner extrovert or I wilt like a flower. Yoga classes, time at the dog park, writing at a coffee shop or bar, all help me feel less alone in my own mind. I think this may also be why I have so many pets! A kitty sleeping next to my laptop or a puppy curled at my feet can provide sweet companionship.

Combating this loneliness has been more of a challenge since we hit the road in the RV. I no longer have an easily accessible community, and I’ve had to find ways to adjust. The most impactful choice I’ve made so far was enrolling in grad school. Besides upping my game as a writer, I’m developing a wonderful, supportive, talented new community. Spending a full week living and working alongside these creative types during the summer residency truly helped refill my social-emotional well, so to speak, and I can’t wait to start the fall semester! Over the years, I’ve come to understand that although writing is a solitary venture, the writer’s life doesn’t have to be.

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog!


It’s Pumpkin Spice Season!


I’m in class…