Books and Beer!

Dear Maggie,

Will you be doing any book signings this summer?

A Fan in Fairfield

Dear Fan,

Yes! During the summer season, my book signing and conference schedule ramps up. This year, for the first time, I’ll be bringing along the Maggie Clare collection to select events. Generally, I’m signing at Comic Cons, and the fans who stop by my table are speculative fiction readers hoping to grab signed copies of the HORIZON series. Mixing in the Maggie books likely wouldn’t be very productive. However, this summer I have a couple of local events where I’ll be signing EVERYTHING!

Here are the first few:

Friday, July 8th at 6:30 pm - West Passage Brewing Company

Friday, July 15th at 6:30 pm - Ragged Island Brewing Company

Because I started publishing in the romantic suspense genre as Maggie Clare just before COVID hit, I didn’t have much of a chance to find my people at live events. I’m sure there are fantastic conferences where romance readers and writers get together, but most of my interaction in this space has been online. I’ll be looking to change that soon, and these first few ‘books and beer’ signings are the start. Stay tuned!

Most of you know that I write my speculative work under my given name, Tabitha Lord. If you read outside the romance genre, I’ll be at the following events this summer signing my science fiction books and presenting on panels and programs:

July 29-31 - Tampa Bay Comic Con

August 12-14 - Boston Fan Expo

September 1-5 - World Con Chicago

Meeting readers in person is one of my favorite things. I love when a fan finds me at an event to tell me they’ve been waiting for the next book in my series, or when someone says they can’t stop thinking about a character I’ve written. People write for different reasons. They might need to process a particular event or reflect on their own feelings. They might have a story they want to tell, but it’s too personal to share beyond a small circle. These are all valid reasons to put pen to paper, of course, but I’ve always written with the intent of offering my stories to the world. Without readers, I’m not sure I’d write. I want others to connect with my stories, lose themselves in another world, fall in love with the characters. It’s gratifying to hear that someone enjoyed my work, but the interactions with readers mean more to me than that. I thrive on the connections I make with people who love storytelling. We’re sharing an experience. So, please, come say hello!


If you’d like signed copies of my books, you can order them through my websites: or

I am available for book clubs, event panels, workshops, and speaking engagements, so please reach out!


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