What’s in a Name?

Dear Maggie,

I understand you use a pen name? Are you hiding? 


Curious in Connecticut

Dear Curious,

No, I’m not hiding! I publish science fiction and other speculative fiction under my given name, Tabitha Lord, but I use a pen name for all my romance novels because this audience is quite different. Maintaining two separate platforms is time consuming, but it’s also a lot of fun. If you like to read outside the romance genre, you can check out my other work at www.tabithalordauthor.com.

I’ve also been asked where the name ‘Maggie Clare’ came from. Well, my grandmothers were two spunky ladies, very different from one another, but both avid readers. Unfortunately, they passed away before my writing career began, so I decided to honor them by using their first names to make up my pen-name. I think they’d get a kick out of it.

Thanks for the great question!

In other news…

We got a new kitten. My youngest child, and only girl, batted her eyelashes at dad and came home with this little fluff muffin. I have to admit, he’s pretty cute.
Meet Neo…



Writing the Fierce Female Lead