Nurturing My Inner Extrovert

Dear Maggie,

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Shy in Cheyenne

Dear Shy,

I’m a total extrovert. Here’s how I know… I love airport bars, and I’ll talk to anyone who sits next to me. I love teaching in a full classroom and leading a meeting. I love to meet fans and readers at book signings. I’m definitely a people person. I think it’s why I prefer working out with a class rather than alone in my basement gym, and why events like Comic Cons are totally my jam. Of course, I still value my quiet time a lot. I need it to recharge, and I need it in order for my creative side to flow. But I am one of those people who is energized by other people.

We often hear that the writer's life is a solitary one, and there is truth to this. Writing can sometimes be collaborative. One of my kids is a screenwriter, and I know he spends time creating content with colleagues. But for the most part, when I’m working on a manuscript or article or short fiction piece, I’m doing it alone at my desk. I love my work. I love the moment when the plot action comes together, when I craft just that right bit of dialogue, or when I nail the ending of a scene. It’s satisfying.

I also know myself well enough not to stay isolated at that desk for too long.

Combating the loneliness that comes along with a career like writing has been something of a challenge for me as an extrovert, but I’ve found healthy ways to balance it out. Right now, I’m visiting my sister on the central coast of California. My husband and I were in SoCal visiting our older kids, and I opted to stay for another week to hang out with my sister. She and I can both work from anywhere, so her beach rental has been a perfect place to set up my mobile office. I love knowing she is just a glass of wine away!

When I’m home, in the middle of a long-term project, I have to find ways to nurture my inner extrovert or I wilt like a flower. Lunch dates, hiking with friends, yoga classes. I also take the opportunity to work elsewhere, like at my girlfriends for a long weekend, or my sister’s place, or the coffee shop, just so I’m not alone. I think this may also be why I have so many pets! A kitty sleeping next to my laptop or a puppy curled at my feet can provide sweet companionship. Writing is a solitary venture, but the writer’s life doesn’t have to be.

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

In other news…

I am available for book club events, virtually or in person, so please reach out!

If you are a sci-fi fan, real me will be at RI Comic Con November 5-7 signing books at presenting on panels. Here’s a link to the site for more info: RI Comic Con 2021.

Enjoy this mishmash of pet pictures and beach photos from Carpinteria!


Write on Through


I’m Gonna Go Eat Worms!