The Halfway Mark

The summer solstice just passed, signifying the longest day of the year and also the halfway mark of the year. I like to have regular check-in times with myself every quarter, both personally and professionally, to take stock of what I’ve accomplished and readjust my priorities if needed.

With our life on the road, it’s been a different sort of year. I wasn’t sure what to expect in terms of building good work habits and trying to experience ALL THE THINGS while traveling the country. I set some goals but promised myself I’d be a little flexible when it came to judging my productivity. Turns out, that was a good idea.

I’d really hoped to be finished with the fantasy novel I’m working on so I could turn my attention back to the TSI romantic suspense series, but I’m only a little over halfway through. To be fair, it’s a long and complicated story, and I am having a great time writing it, but I do feel a little badly that I’ve left my TSI fans hanging. So, here’s what I hope to accomplish in the second half of this year. I will finish this fantasy story by the end of September. I will also outline the final three books in the TSI series by September. That way, once I start on them, I can get them all written pretty quickly. I’m aiming to publish at least one by December. If I write it down, it’ll all get done, right?

Despite feeling a little behind in my writing, I haven’t been a total slacker. I’ve reviewed some great books for Book Club Babble, Amy and I have created a ton of content for Author’s Buzz, including our fun YouTube videos, I’ve taught webinar classes for the Association of RI Authors (ARIA), and I’ve continued on as the VP of that organization. All the while, I’ve been enjoying our great RV adventure thoroughly. It’s been a full and satisfying half-year so far, if a little disappointing on the writing front, but I’m choosing to focus on the full and satisfying part!

"Balance is a feeling derived from being whole and complete; it's a sense of harmony. It is essential to maintaining quality in life and work." —Joshua Osenga


If you’re an aspiring romance writer, check out our fun YouTube Author’s Buzz video on How to Write a Romance.

I’ll be at Denver Fan Expo from June 30th - July 2nd signing books and moderating panels. If you’re in the area, stop by and say hello!

We’re still in Colorado! Here’s a glimpse of our adventures from the last two weeks…


Setting the Scene


Summer Lovin’