Ring in the New Year

Dear Maggie,

What are your New Year’s resolutions for this year, and do they include writing more books in the Tactical Solutions International series?


Eager in Englewood

Dear Eager,

It’s probably a safe bet to assume most of us are ready for 2020 to go the way of the dinosaur! Even if this year hadn’t been a dumpster fire, I always love Januarys, for the same reason I like Mondays - and yes, I know that makes me something of a weirdo. Really, I love standing at the beginning of the day, the week, or the year, and imagining all the potential that stretches out ahead of me. I feel like there’s enough time in front of me to accomplish the things on my list.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that my list-making and planning reaches OCD levels. I’m a big proponent of being proactive rather than reactive with my time, which serves me well, even if my methods are a bit over the top. You can read more about my crazy time-management system here if you’re interested: 5 Tips on Time Management - A Busy Writer’s Guide.

So, a detailed list of New Year’s resolutions seems like something I’d do, but actually, that’s not how I approach the New Year. In general, I think about setting intentions for the coming year, both personally and professionally, rather than very specific goals, because I don’t always know how a particular intention might manifest. For example, one year, I recognized that I missed teaching, and I created an intention to bring teaching back into my life. When I set this intention, I wasn’t sure how it would play out, but opportunities came in the form of leading writing workshops, panels, and conference programs. By creating an intention instead of a goal, I leave room for new opportunities to manifest creatively and organically.

This year, I’ll celebrate a big birthday, and I intend to pay special attention to my health in 2021. I want to reclaim a level of fitness and physical well-being that’s fallen away, somewhat due to the pandemic, and I want to do this so I can feel enthusiasm and gratitude about this birthday rather than dread. I’m not setting rigid rules around what this looks like, because my body has changed and continues to change over time, and I want to respond to those changes in a supportive way.

Having said that, as a professional in a field that requires constant output and content to stay relevant, I do have to set more concrete objectives for my writing. Outlining projects with deadlines, and then announcing them to world, keeps me honest! This brings me to the second part of today’s question. Yes, I will be writing more books in the Tactical Solutions International series - four more in fact. I’d mentioned previously that I’d hoped to release one in the early part of the year, but I had to finish another project before I could turn my attention back to the guys and gals at TSI. My plan is to write and edit through winter and spring, and then create an aggressive release schedule from June to December 2021. I’ll keep you updated with more details and a few sneak peeks as the stories come together!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to maggie@msmaggieclare.com, and I’ll answer it here on the blog!

In other news…


You can now order personalized copies of all books in the Tactical Solutions International series directly from my website. Click here to place your order: SIGNED BOOKS BY MAGGIE CLARE!

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