Raining Cats and Dogs

Dear Maggie,

Are you a cat person or a dog person?


Pet Lover in Petaluma

Dear Pet Lover,

I am an equal opportunity pet lover. My husband will occasionally remind me that we live in a tiny, moving home with five animals. “Babe, we have a lot of pets,” he’ll say helpfully. Most days he’s fine with this, but when I’m away and he has to get everyone’s breakfast ready as soon as the sun rises, he files his complaint with management. But generally, living with our sweet little friends makes us both smile, and they keep us entertained with their antics.

We currently have four cats and one dog. Daisy, the maltipoo, was a gift for my last big birthday, and she is an absolute little love. Two of the cats were Covid kittens, acquired by the teenagers who were still living at home during the ‘bad time,’ as we refer to it. It was hard to say no to a few more cute little furballs when everything else in the world seemed upside down. Then, the kids went off to college, and by the time they moved out of the dorms and could have taken their kitties with them, said kitties were so integrated into the household that it would have been heartbreaking to let them go.

Onboard, we humans may be outnumbered by a lot, but I wouldn’t change a thing! None of us is truly worthy of the unconditional love of a dog, and the cats all have distinct, hilarious personalities. It gets a bit fuzzy in our small space, but thankfully we have a central vacuum system!

Thanks for reaching out! If you have a question for me, send it to maggie@msmaggieclare.com, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.


Happy Holidays!


Gratitude Is My Attitude