Clear the Slate

Dear Maggie,

When is the next book in the TSI series coming out? I think your deadline has come and gone!


Impatient in Islip

Dear Impatient,

You are so right! The timeline I had in mind for releasing the next book in the TSI series is totally blown. I’m reminded of a quote by Douglas Adams that makes me laugh out loud… “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” Well, this winter has certainly flown by in a giant whoosh (good riddance), with my self-imposed deadlines right along with it.

Let me start by saying, I am a stickler about deadlines. Once I am on someone else’s clock, like an editor or publisher, I deliver. This is a surprisingly small industry, and I want to be known as a professional who does what she says, when she says it. So, I’ve been doing my best to deliver on projects that other people are paying me for. Couple this with my tendency to overestimate my productivity, and guess what’s gotten pushed back? But, I promise, these characters are very much alive in my head and dying for their stories to be told.

I use mile markers, like the end of the first quarter of the year, to take stock in my progress and recalibrate my goals. I wrote an article for the Inkitt Writer’s Blog (one of those jobs for which I get paid to stay on deadline) and shared a few things I think about as I reassess and reset. If you’re interested, you can read the full post here: It’s Spring Check-In Time for Writers. The final point in the article reminds me that I need to clear the slate and move on. By this I mean I have to let go of any stress I feel about not getting everything on my list finished. To use a sports concept my husband is fond of, I have to forget about the last strike out and step up to the plate with a clear head.

So, this is me stepping up to the plate with a clear head. I am approaching the second quarter with appreciation for the work I’ve accomplished and a reasonable plan to move forward. In May, I will begin drafting the next TSI book, and I plan to write straight through to the end of the series. Look for Teagan’s story some time this summer!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

In other news…

Enter my Goodreads Giveaway for a chance to win a FREE copy of Lost and Found! The contest runs for the month of April.


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