Eeny Meeny Miny Moe…

Dear Maggie,

Of all the leading men in your TSI series so far, do you have a favorite?

Curious in Columbus

Dear Curious,

What a difficult question! I truly love all my leading men, even though they’re very different from one another. Teagan Tate, who we first meet in Sing for Me and who stars in Moving Target, is a flirty, outrageously funny, uber-talented musician. He’s also intuitive, generous and a steadfast friend. His Aussie accent really makes him over-the-top sexy.

Cam Taylor, star of Lost and Found and co-founder of TSI, is the broody hero. He keeps his feelings close to the vest and deep down thinks he is too emotionally broken to deserve true love. He’s a protector and the friend who will quietly take care of things in the background. When he does open up to reveal a devastating secret from his childhood, it’s a joy to see him heal and watch how fiercely he falls for his lady.

Mike Flynn, Fiona’s brother who we first meet in Sing for Me, is a gruff and grumpy former soldier and current FBI agent who uses his job as an excuse to avoid real intimacy. When we peel back the layers, we learn he lost his first love in combat and hasn’t been willing to risk his heart since. But when a friend needs a favor, Mike puts his life on hold to help, and in the process falls head over heels for the feisty grad student he’s tasked with protecting. Run and Hide is his story.

And then there’s Jake - charming, sweet, lovable Jake, who goes through hell in Sing for Me, only to emerge stronger than ever. I think if I had to choose, Jake would win favorite character status by just an inch. Even when we watch him break after a terrible injury and push Fiona away, we root for him. He fights so hard to remake himself, to find his way back, that I can’t help but love him. He never gives up on Fiona, and the way he so tenderly cares for her after her own personal trauma just makes him so dear to my heart.

I still have a few more hot, hunky heroes to write before this series ends, so we’ll see if my opinion stands. I’m curious what you, my readers, think? Who is your favorite leading man? Please feel free to let me know…


I’ll be at The Big E on Friday, September 30th signing books from both the TSI and the HORIZON series. Find me in the Rhode Island building in our ‘book nook’ all day long!


The End


Another Month With Five Mondays!