My Biggest Fan

Dear Maggie,

I read that you are married. Does your husband read your books?

Also Married in Minneapolis

Dear Also Married,

Yes! He reads everything I write. In fact, I credit him for pushing me to write my first book. I’ve always been told I’m a good writer, but there’s a big difference between writing a research paper for school, or a blog post for a journal, or ad copy for work. Crafting an entire story, start to finish, always felt intimidating to me. For many years, with young children and a satisfying career in education, I didn’t have the mental energy or the creative spark to even think about writing fiction. But, as my kids got older, I began considering what I wanted to do next in my professional life. Persistently, in the background, my husband would say, “Write a book already.” I’d reply, in a rather snarky tone, “Oh, you think it’s so easy?” Then he’d shrug and answer, “No, but I know you can do it.”

This went on for a while, until finally I decided to give it a try. It took me nine months to draft my first manuscript, and as a mom of four, the irony is not lost on me. The narrative needed a lot of work, but I knew I had the bones of a good story. He knew it too. Not only did he push me to write that first book, but he encouraged me to go ahead and make a career out of writing. Without his support and belief in me, I would not be here now answering this question!

As far as the stories themselves, he reads them all - from the horror, which he doesn’t really like, to the romance, which he really enjoys (not too surprising as he also loves chick flicks), to the science fiction, which I think are his favorites. He encourages me when I’m stuck on a project, gives good notes on the drafts, and celebrates with me I publish something new. I am very lucky to have him as my biggest fan!

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

In other news…

In case you missed it, my good friend Monica Rodgers interviewed me on her Revelation Project podcast. We had a fantastic conversation about everything from raising kids to climbing mountains to writing craft. If you’d like to get to know me a little better, have a listen! Writing Yourself Open

If you haven’t had a chance to meet the guys and gals from the Tactical Solutions International romantic suspense, the e-books are available for free with a Kindle Unlimited membership!

It’s my youngest child’s 17th birthday! Happy, happy birthday Kyra! We are so proud of you. And, she got her driver’s license today!

Dear Maggie, (3).png


Go Gently Toward Re-Entry


Stuck…in the Middle