Back in the Groove!

Dear Maggie,

Are you ever going to write another TSI novel?


Impatient in Immokalee

Dear Impatient,

I promise I’m working on the next book in the TSI series as we speak! You may know that Maggie Clare is my pen name, and I write speculative fiction under my real name, Tabitha Lord. I’ve been working with my agent to tidy up an urban fantasy in preparation for it to go out on submission. My grand plans for a productive summer went out the window in favor of traveling and hanging out with family we haven’s seen since COVID began. But, fall is my most productive season, and I’ve already made good progress on the next TSI book. For those who’ve been asking, yes, it’s Teagan’s story!

Because I’ve kept you waiting so long, here’s a little teaser from the manuscript. Remember, this is an unedited version, so some or all could be modified or cut by the final version, but it’s fun to share a little anyway!

In the past, during moments of stillness, guilt would often creep in. He’d regret the stress he’d caused his mother, when, as a teen, he’d nearly destroyed his family. Later, after he’d made something of himself, when he knew his mum had forgiven him, and when he’d been able to legitimately step up and help take care of her, the crushing guilt subsided.

For a while, he’d been content, thrilled with his good fortune, busy working like a dog and making music with the band. Now, although his life was full, loneliness was his constant companion, even in a room full of people.

His last attempt at a meaningful relationship had imploded in a spectacular fashion. If he’d been considered a player before Natalia wreaked havoc on his personal life, he’d upped his game in the months following. He told himself he couldn’t trust a woman’s intent now, since the last one had clearly been using him for his connections, but the reality was, she’d hurt him, and he was still licking his wounds.

Teag wanted what Fiona and Jake had, something he’d never witnessed as a kid. On some level, he knew he’d never find it if his bedroom had a revolving door, and if the women he chose to sleep with were using him as much as he was using them. He loved women and he loved sex, no denying that, but the game was getting old.

It was a conundrum, because currently, the one woman who intrigued him, who made him consider altering his wicked ways and give real dating a chance one more time, would barely speak two words to him.

Do you have a question for me? Send it to, and I’ll answer it here on the blog.

In other news…

I am available for book club events, virtually or in person, so please reach out!

I’ve been hiking a lot this fall. It’s a great way to clear my head and get some fresh air while the weather is nearly perfect. The New England coastline is absolutely stunning. Here’s a little photo gallery from my adventures!

Dear Maggie, (3).png


I’m Gonna Go Eat Worms!


You Don’t Suck, You’re Just Stuck!