Another Month with Five Mondays

May is a month with five Mondays, so today I’m going to share my “Five Things” blog which is also posted on If you like it, feel free to subscribe to that one (sign up at the bottom of the home page), and you’ll get to hear from me every week, lol! In addition to my random musings, I also post our travel schedule over there so check it out. For a photo gallery of our life on the road, our pets, and miscellaneous things I find interesting, you can follow me on Instagram @tabithalord.

So here are this week’s five things…

  1. SAVE THE DATE! I’ll be at Denver Fan Expo June 30th - July 2nd signing books. If your in the area, stop by and say hello. Panel and presentation schedule TBD so stay tuned.

  2. Our time in New Mexico is coming to an end, and we are really going to miss it! Albuquerque was amazing. Our adventures there included a ride on the Sandia Tram with a fancy dinner on the mountain top, exploring the beautiful botanical gardens, and hiking through Petroglyph National Monument. Santa Fe captured our hearts even more. We hiked Bandelier National Monument - former home of the Anasazi, explored the immersive art installation at Meow Wolf, and rode the Sky Railway train, owned by none other than Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin who is a Santa Fe resident! The land is beautiful and the people even more so. We’ll definitely be back!

  3. I finally got to see a road-runner. One hangs out in the brush across from our site and makes an appearance in the late afternoons. Meep-meep!

  4. I’m smack in the middle of my newest writing project - a fantasy featuring a feathered dragon, an angsty hero, and a sassy gal who can’t remember who she is. The middle of any story is, in my opinion, the most challenging part to write. The shine has worn off, the writing feels stale, and I sometimes worry that I’ve totally lost the plot. I have a few tricks to getting through the muddy middle, so if you’re interested, check out my article on Author’s Buzz.

  5. As we pack up and head to Colorado, I can’t help but think how fast time is speeding by. As much as we try to enjoy every moment, the days pass quickly. June will be our sixth month on the road! I’m keeping this quote in mind as we travel. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.” – Kayla Marx

Finally, here’s a glimpse at the previous weeks on the road from Meow Wolf, to Bandelier National Monument, to the Sky Railway…


Summer Lovin’


Dreaming of Dragons